Greensward Cafe Logo

A warm welcome to one and all

Our regular customers tell us they enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the cafe and often meet here for a chat over a meal or a cup of coffee, so why not drop in the next time you are passing?
I hope you find some of the additional topics displayed on our website, like the development of the West Beach and the offshore wind farm to be of interest to you.
Should you wish to contact me please use the message form below.
If you prefer, you can email me, telephone me or send a letter

Website contact - Mark Broad.

Mark Broad - Owner/Manager
Greensward Cafe

Email Address

email address

Telephone Number

Postal Address

cafe address

I normally answer any form questions or queries by email, but if you prefer me to telephone please leave your number with your message.
This form is not suitable when seeking employment with us, please send your details by completing our job application form.

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